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Pays : Global

11 Sep 2024

Comunicado de prensa - Nombramiento Nuria Gorog

Nuria Gorog

Nuria has over 25 years experience in underwriting complex and large risks. When working at Coface Group and later Zurich Insurance, she used her expertise to provide risk mitigation solutions, including capital relief, to international banks, exporters and traders. She is recognised in the industry for her ability to negotiate cutting-edge insurance wordings and design innovative solutions. As a former Vice-Chair of the Investment Committee of the Berne Union and Chair of the Single Risk Committee of ICISA, she actively contributed to advocate for better and original structured solutions to the insureds to respond to their new challenges.


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Nuria Gorog

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Comunicados de prensa

11 Sep 2024

Comunicado de prensa - Nombramiento Nuria Gorog

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Nuestros compromisos de RSE

(Responsabilidad Social Empresarial)

AU Group se compromete a desarrollar un mundo y una economía sostenibles, a través del respeto a los seres humanos y el manejo de los recursos naturales.

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Espacio de carrera

Regularmente estamos reclutando nuevos talentos para continuar nuestro desarrollo. Únete ahora mismo a un equipo de expertos en gestión de cuentas por cobrar e intégrate a un grupo internacional de tamaño humano.

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